From the course: Learning Procreate

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Using the Color Palette panel

Using the Color Palette panel - Procreate Tutorial

From the course: Learning Procreate

Using the Color Palette panel

- [Instructor] Color will bring your art to life in Procreate, so it's important to understand the color panel and all its features. Open the color panel by tapping on the color button the icon farthest to the right on your top right menu. The color button displays your active color. The row below the color disc is your color history displaying the last ten colors that you've used and your default color palette is displayed at the bottom of your color panel. But before we review the color selection options let's quickly review how to use color Procreate. To pick a color, simply tap on the color disc or select a color from your palette, and then you can tap on it and drag it right into a color within your layer. So if you look at the layer, I have one layer, and I was able to tap and drag that color right into that leaf. Now let's go back to our layers. We can also add color by selecting the background color layer and…
