From the course: Learning Procreate

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Layer opacity and blend modes

Layer opacity and blend modes - Procreate Tutorial

From the course: Learning Procreate

Layer opacity and blend modes

- [Instructor] By default, a normal layer is opaque and the artwork on the top layer covers up the artwork on the bottom layers. But by changing the layer opacity and blend modes you can create really interesting effects and how the layers visually interact with each other. Let's explore, to change the opacity and blend modes, tap on the N on the layer, the N represents the normal mode or the default mode. Right on the top is the opacity slider. Just slide it left to right and it changes the opacity. You can also, from here, change the mode and it will change how the color reacts to the colors below it. Now, let's takes a look how some of the other colors will change when we change the modes. I admit, I tend to go for modes that create color overlays and have a transparent quality, while it enhances the colors above and below. Well, you can see if you scroll through very quickly, and I'm going to start at the bottom down…
