From the course: Learning Procreate

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Export a time-lapse video

Export a time-lapse video - Procreate Tutorial

From the course: Learning Procreate

Export a time-lapse video

- [Instructor] Share your process with a time-lapse video. A time-lapse video is a recording of your drawing or painting process. Procreate records each individual stroke as you create, but it all starts with a new canvas. So we're going to go back to the gallery, tap on the plus sign, and then tap on new canvas by tapping on the black box with the plus sign. Now, this is where you can set up a new canvas, but what we're really focusing on at the moment is in the left-hand column, we're going to tap on time-lapse settings. From here, you can set your canvas video settings. Every canvas comes with video settings that are 1080 and good quality. But if you want to change your settings to 2K or 4K, or change the quality or compression, this is where you do it, and this is when you do it, because once you start your canvas and start working and working out your drawing, you can't come back to this, so it's important to know that.…
