From the course: Learning Procreate

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Explore the Mask and Alpha Lock layer selections

Explore the Mask and Alpha Lock layer selections - Procreate Tutorial

From the course: Learning Procreate

Explore the Mask and Alpha Lock layer selections

- [Instructor] Select a layer and tap on it. You'll see a basic set of options that can be applied to that layer such as rename, select, and copy. But there are also a few hidden gems that can change the way you draw and paint in Procreate. The two that I would like to share with you are alpha lock and the mask option. Let's start with alpha lock. By selecting alpha lock, you can lock the transparent or unpainted area of a layer. Once this is active, you'll only be able to paint within the existing artwork on that layer. So for example, I'm quickly adding a little color and texture to the shape. The unpainted areas remain completely untouched. How cool is that? This is ideal if you want to add texture and shading to your artwork on a layer, not to mention quickly adding a new level of interest to your art. Now let's explore the mask option. Masks are attached to a parent layer. When you draw on a mask, it will…
