From the course: Learning Procreate

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Draw, paint, smudge, and erase

Draw, paint, smudge, and erase - Procreate Tutorial

From the course: Learning Procreate

Draw, paint, smudge, and erase

- [Instructor] Procreate's Brush Library contains hundreds of brushes and are organized by their medium or style. All three tools, Paint, Smudge, and Erase, share the same Brush Library and all work the same, but with different results. The Paint tool is represented by the Brush icon. Tap on the icon and select a brush, and try a few of them out. As you can see, I'm selecting different brushes, and each brush has its own separate characteristics. Now, let's do the same with Smudge. If I tap on the Smudge tool and select a brush, drag it across where I've already painted, you can see that, depending on the Smudge tool, it moves the paint around. And each Smudge tool is going to react differently depending on what brush you use. Now, let's do the same with the Erase tool. Now, the Erase tool, it lifts the paint. So we're going to use a pencil style to lift, and you can see that it's lifting it with a pencil texture. It…
