From the course: Learning Procreate

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Create your own symmetrical drawings

Create your own symmetrical drawings - Procreate Tutorial

From the course: Learning Procreate

Create your own symmetrical drawings

- [Instructor] Symmetrical drawing can easily be done in Procreate, using the symmetry drawing guides. You can activate the guidelines by going to actions menu, tapping on Canvas, activating the drawing guide and edit guides. Just like with 2D, isometric and perspective, you can adjust the opacity of the guides, and the thickness, and the color. We have a new option under symmetry, and that is the options button. If you tap on that, you'll see a vertical, horizontal, quadrant, and radial options. Vertical are two vertical segments. Horizontal is two horizontal segments. Quadrant is four segments and radial is eight. We also have rotational symmetry, which is a mirrored image but flipped and assisted drawing. With symmetry, you have to have assisted drawing on at all times, otherwise it won't work. So let's check out our vertical drawing settings. We're going to turn on vertical and select done. We have two vertical layers.…
