From the course: Learning Procreate

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Animate your illustration

Animate your illustration - Procreate Tutorial

From the course: Learning Procreate

Animate your illustration

- [Instructor] There is nothing more exciting than seeing your artwork come to life with a simple animation. Using animation assist, you can build your animation using layers or groups of layers as frames. Let's walk through the process. Tab the wrench icon to open your Action menu and tab Canvas, and then select and turn on the Animation Assist toggle. You'll now notice that your animation timeline is active on your procreate Canvas. Let's take a look at the timeline. All existing layers in your document are now shown in the Animation Assist as frames in the timeline. The timeline are your layers and chronological order from right to left. In your layer palette, the layer at the bottom is your first frame and the layer at the top is your last frame. To preview your animation, tab, Play, to stop your animation press Pause, or tab anywhere on your Canvas. Now let's go back to our layers. If I go down to my layers…
