From the course: Learning PCB Design with EAGLE
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Add in routing - Eagle Tutorial
From the course: Learning PCB Design with EAGLE
Add in routing
- [Speaker] So we're almost ready to see this board in its finished form, but we still have our electrical connections being represented by air wires, as opposed to literal traces or pieces of metal. So now we have to go ahead and convert those air wires, and we'll do so by starting to type in the word auto. Now, whenever you type things in in Eagle, you don't have to click on this field to begin with, it'll automatically start to fill out. And there's lots of commands that we can use up there. We're just going to use a couple within this course. One of the big differences too, is that you can use a command that's just stated as I've written it or you can put it with a trailing semicolon. And the semicolon means that it'll just plow through a bunch of the options that you would otherwise have to select. So in this case, I'll do auto with no semicolon, which means that it'll ask me some questions. If you're doing a really complicated board, you might choose to have it make high effort…
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