From the course: Learning Oracle Database 19c

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- [Instructor] Oracle PL/SQL is a programming language. It was born of necessity in the mid-1990s, as Oracle Database evolved and needed a native fourth generation programming language, like CR Java, to wrap around Oracle SQL Engine. Let's get started with some basics on PL/SQL to help you understand the purpose of PL/SQL and when you'd use it. PL/SQL's roots are in the Ada language, a very strongly typed programming language created a decade or so before that the DOD used to replace literally dozens of other programming languages. It was created more or less from the ground up, and basing Oracle PL/SQL on this language, in retrospect, was a good choice. Choose a modern, third or fourth generation language to wrap around a mature SQL language engine. Here is the simple comparison. The SQL language is declarative. This is what I want to do, and the database engine will figure out how to do it versus PL/SQL being a procedural programming language. I'm going to get this job done in…
