From the course: Learning KeyShot

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Work with cameras

Work with cameras - KeyShot Tutorial

From the course: Learning KeyShot

Work with cameras

- [Instructor] Now let's dive a little bit more deeply into cameras, and we'll show you how to create multiple cameras in the scene, as well as how to adjust camera properties. Now cameras can be manipulated in one of two places. Along the main menu, we have a Camera menu. And this allows you to add cameras, change values for a camera, so you can change from Perspective to Orthographic, and so on. And then you can also switch between cameras if you have multiple cameras in the scene. Now typically, I like to use the Camera tab in the Project Window. So if I go over to Camera here, you'll see that we only have one camera in the scene and that's called the Free Camera. Now the free camera's a camera that basically just moves about the scene. If you want to have cameras in specific places then you'll need to create new cameras and adjust those. So, we can create new cameras in one of two places. We can go into Camera, Add Camera. And when I do that, it adds a camera here. Or, I can go…
