From the course: Learning KeyShot

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Use the HDRI editor to create lights

Use the HDRI editor to create lights - KeyShot Tutorial

From the course: Learning KeyShot

Use the HDRI editor to create lights

- [Instructor] Lighting in KeyShot is typically created from the environment. We typically have an HDRI image that provides the light in the scene. Now we can use what's called the HDRI editor to actually change our images as well as add additional light into our scene. So let's take at how to do that. Now, as you're aware, we have environmental lighting as our main light source. So if I go over into my project window in the Environment tab, you'll see I have this environment, and that's providing the light for my scene. In fact, if we want we can click on Lighting Environment here and I can actually see that environment. Now if I want, I can certainly change that. I can go into my Library, over to Environment, and you'll see we have a number of outdoor and interior lights as well as studio lighting. So I'm going to go ahead and scroll down and change it to Dosch-Studio1_2k, so I'm going to double click on that. And it will change my lighting. And as you can see, it looks like a photo…
