From the course: Learning KeyShot

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Use backplate images

Use backplate images - KeyShot Tutorial

From the course: Learning KeyShot

Use backplate images

- [Instructor] Many times when we render, we need to match our render to an existing image. KeyShot allows us to do this using what are called backplates. Backplates are really fairly straightforward. All we have to do is go over to our environment tab, and if we scroll down, you'll see under background, we have three options. We have our lighting environment, which is our HDRI image, we have color, which is basically just a solid color, and then we can also select backplate image. When I select this, it brings up a file browser, and in this browser I can open any image as a backplate. In this case, I'm just going to use backplate 01 in the chapter four folder. When I open this, notice how it changes the aspect ratio of my image, so if I go over to image here, it's going to match the aspect ratio of that image. If I want, I can match my object to that image using basic orbit, and pan, and zoom controls. If I wanted to, I could, for example, dolly out a little bit to place this a…
