From the course: Learning KeyShot

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Transparency and render quality

Transparency and render quality - KeyShot Tutorial

From the course: Learning KeyShot

Transparency and render quality

- [Instructor] Now let's dive a little bit deeper into transparency and understand how the render quality affects transparency, as well. So, here we have a simple sports bottle. And this is the one that we did in the last chapter. And this has a couple of different materials on it. So, we have a glass material on the bottle itself. And then we have a liquid material on the fluid within the bottle. Now, when we have multiple surfaces like this, we need to really pay attention to our render quality in the Lighting tab. Now we can get to this in one of two places. We have some basic presets here, under Lighting. But we actually have more control here under the Lighting tabs. So we have these presets here but we also have settings. And the most important setting here is Ray Bounces. And this is the maximum number of bounces that a ray of light will persist in the scene. So, right now I have this on Basic Lighting preset which only has six ray bounces. Now notice how the bottom of this is…
