From the course: Learning KeyShot

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Set up the final render

Set up the final render - KeyShot Tutorial

From the course: Learning KeyShot

Set up the final render

- [Instructor] At this point, we've got our materials and our lighting pretty much set up for our object, so now it's time to finalize and render our final scene. So in this case, we've got this basic scene here, and as you can see we've got the bottle and the lighting pretty much set up. Now, before we render, we actually do want to set our image aspect ratio. And we can do that by going over to the Image tab here. As you can see by default, this is at 828 by 466. If that's what we want, we can go from here. But we also have a lot of different presets. So we have landscape presets, so if we wanted to, we could do, say, 800 by 600. And as you can see, that changes it a little bit. If you wanted to, we could do portrait orientation, so if we wanted we could do 600 by 800. And again, that's just a little bit different. But notice how it also changes how this sets in the scene, so I may have to zoom in if I change that orientation. Now, I'm just going to go ahead and put this back to 800…
