From the course: Learning KeyShot

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Select and move objects

Select and move objects - KeyShot Tutorial

From the course: Learning KeyShot

Select and move objects

- [Instructor] There are many time when we will need to move and manipulate objects in KeyShot, so let's take a look at how to move, rotate, and scale objects. Now, here I have a scene with some simple objects. So I have a bottle, and if I select it here in the Scene panel, you can see how that outlines. We also have the fluid within the bottle, the label, and the cap. Now, I can also select objects by left-clicking on them. So if I want to I can click on the cap or the bottle. And, again, that will select. So I'm going to go ahead and right-click over the object. And you'll see we have a number of options here. And one of those is Move, so I'm going to go ahead select Move Part. So when we select move, this icon comes up. And this menu also comes up. So here we can actually turn on or off any of the Move, Rotate, and Scale icons. So Translate, or move, are the arrows. Rotate are the circles. And Scale are these little boxes down here. Now, if I want to translate the object, I'm going…
