From the course: Learning KeyShot

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Performance settings

Performance settings - KeyShot Tutorial

From the course: Learning KeyShot

Performance settings

- [Instructor] Now KeyShot is an interactive renderer. So it's always rendering as you manipulate stuff in the scene. Now KeyShot is CPU based. So if you want it to go faster, you'll need to have more cores in your CPU or a faster CPU as well as, as much memory as you can toss at it. But with that in mind, let's take a look at some ways to improve interactivity within KeyShot. Now the first thing you want to look at is this CPU Usage pulldown. Now if you want, you can reduce the number of CPUs that are dedicated to KeyShot. Now obviously for the maximum amount of interactivity, you always want to keep this at 100%. Now in addition to this, we also have different lighting options that can make interactivity better. So if we want, we can go into what's called Performance Mode, and what that does is it really dims out most of the lighting, and it doesn't make the image look perfect, it's not a perfect render, but it makes it much more interactive. Now notice when we turn on Performance…
