From the course: Learning KeyShot

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Overview of the KeyShot interface

Overview of the KeyShot interface - KeyShot Tutorial

From the course: Learning KeyShot

Overview of the KeyShot interface

- [Instructor] Let's start off by taking a look at the KeyShot interface. Now KeyShot is an interactive renderer, so the main window here is our main viewport. Now, if you were to move the camera, you'd notice how this kind of gets a little fuzzy, and then it starts to clear up as it renders the image. Now before we actually get into how to navigate and performance settings in KeyShot, let's just take a look at the overview of the interface. So along the top here we have our File, Edit menus. We also have menus for Environment, Lighting, Camera, Image, and so on. Now below here we have this toolbar which has a lot of the same options here. We have one here for CPU usage, which we'll get to when we get to performance settings. We also have these here which allow us to tumble or pan the camera. So if I wanted to I could leave this on tumble, left-click and drag, and as you can see I can tumble the camera or if I click on this I can pan the camera or dolly the camera in and out. Now we…
