From the course: Learning KeyShot

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Navigation in KeyShot

Navigation in KeyShot - KeyShot Tutorial

From the course: Learning KeyShot

Navigation in KeyShot

- [Instructor] Now let's take a look at how to navigate in a viewport using KeyShot. Now, this is our main viewport here, and this is always rendering, as we've seen before. But we can navigate in this, so as we've seen, we can select this control here, left-click and drag, and we can tumble the camera. We can select this tool here, and then we can pan left, right, up, and down. And then we can select this one here, and again, left-click and drag to dolly in and out. Now there is an easier way to navigate, and that's just by staying on the tumble command. So when we go onto tumble, we can again left-click and drag to tumble the camera, but, if we have a three-button mouse, we can middle-click and drag to pan. So again, left-click to tumble, middle-click to pan. And then, if we have a middle mouse wheel, we can roll that wheel to dolly in and out. Now if you want to zoom the camera instead of dolly, you can change the focal length. Now we can do that in one of two places. We have our…
