From the course: Learning KeyShot

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Manage scenes

Manage scenes

- [Instructor] When you work with scenes in KeyShot, you often need to manage the objects within the scene. So let's take a look at the scene tab in KeyShot. Now we can find it over here in the project window, and we have this tab here for scene. And if we want, we can click on this little double or triple dot here, we can actually pull down to see everything that's in the scene. And as you can see, this particular scene has a main node for the camera itself, and then we have sub-nodes. This one here is for the bellows of the camera. This is for what we call the bellows assembly. And as you can see, if I were to tumble around here, you can see that that's just those objects. And in fact, if I hit this little plus sign here, you can see that we have all sorts of different objects here, we have the rivets, we have the actual mechanism, and so on. And if I want, I can hit this little minus sign here to collapse that. So again, with the lens assembly, we have all sorts of things from the…
