From the course: Learning KeyShot

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Lighting the scene with images

Lighting the scene with images - KeyShot Tutorial

From the course: Learning KeyShot

Lighting the scene with images

- [Instructor] Now that we have our materials in place, let's go ahead and add some light to the scene, and get ready for final rendering. Now, lighting in KeyShot is mostly done through image-based lighting, so your environment is actually also your light. So, let's go over to the Environments tab, and that's really where we'll find our lighting models. Now under this, we have a number of ones, we have Interior, Outdoor, Studio, as well as Sun & Sky. Let's go ahead and just take a look at some of the interiors here. As you can see, we have a number of ones that are provided, so for example, if I double-click on Stairwell, you can see that, or if I double-click on Apartment, you can also see that. And notice how the light changes. Now if we go over to Outdoor, you can see we have a number of ones here, if we go over to Outdoor you can see we also have a number of environments, I'm going to double-click on Iceland here, and as you can see, it now puts it outside. Now with any of these…
