From the course: Learning KeyShot

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Import assets into KeyShot

Import assets into KeyShot - KeyShot Tutorial

From the course: Learning KeyShot

Import assets into KeyShot

- [Instructor] Now let's do a quick overview of the KeyShot rendering process by creating a simple render. Now, we're going to do this on a sports bottle, which is a fairly simple model. And actually, I have that model here, in Maya. So actually I have a file in the chapter two folder called if you want to see it in Maya. Now the reason I'm doing this is just to show you the model before I import it into KeyShot. Now this model has only four objects. It has the bottle itself, has the fluid within the bottle, has a label for the bottle as well as the cap. Now each one of those has a unique material, and for example, this cap has material called Cap_Mat for material. And I've made these different colors, just so you can kind of see them as they come into KeyShot. Now I've already exported this as an fbx file, so we can import it into KeyShot. So all we have to do, is do Import, and then in the chapter two folder, we're going to go into SportsBottle.fbx. And I'm going to…
