From the course: Learning KeyShot

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File management

File management

- [Instructor] Now, when you start working more in depth in KeyShot, you will want to save and load files. So we can get to these under the File menu. So under File, we have Open as well as Open Recent. We also have Save and Save Package. Now, these are a little bit different. If we do a Save or a Save As, you may get this warning menu, and what it does is it tells you that when sharing or opening on other computers, you may want to use the Save Package option to save it as a .ksp scene. And then, we can always change that to Do not show again. So when we do a Save As, it's basically just saving out the basic data but not any of the textures or materials that go with the object. So if you have secondary files for materials or textures, then those secondary files will not be saved. So if there's any pathing issues, those will not be solved by saving as a .bip file. Now, if you want to save and transfer to other computers, you can do Save Package. Now, what that does is it saves as a…
