From the course: Learning KeyShot

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Create depth of field

Create depth of field - KeyShot Tutorial

From the course: Learning KeyShot

Create depth of field

- [Instructor] Another very useful camera tool is Depth of Field. Now this allows you to blur parts of the image to bring certain things into and out of focus. So it's a really straightforward effect, but it can be very powerful and let's take a look at how to do this in KeyShot. Now we can do depth of field on a camera, so I'm going to go over to my camera tab here. Now let's go ahead and create a new camera. Now I already have the positioning of the camera that I want, but let's go ahead and scroll all the way down to lens effects, and make sure that we roll that out, and here we have depth of field. And really, all we have to do is just click that on and notice what happens. We get a lot of blurring. So we have two values that are interlocked, one is f-stop, and the other is focus distance. Now focus distance is where the camera is focusing, so if I were to make this lower, you would see that the stuff in the background goes out of focus while this red object comes into focus. If I…
