From the course: Learning KeyShot

Create a turntable animation - KeyShot Tutorial

From the course: Learning KeyShot

Create a turntable animation

- Now let's take a look at animation, in KeyShot. Now animation is pretty basic for this package but you can do some basic things such as turn arounds as well as animating individual objects. So let's go ahead and start off with a turn around. Now in order to get into animation the easiest way is to just press this button at the bottom of the interface, and that brings up the animation timeline. Now animation is basically wizard based, so we have this animation wizard, and it allows us to do certain types of animation. Now we also have a timeline here, which we'll use as we get into animation, as well as playback controls and animation speed. So let's go ahead and just click the animation wizard, and let's create some animation. So, basically it gives you a number of different options, so we're going to start of with a turn table animation and as you can see, it gives us an example. So, I'm just going to go ahead and select this, and press next, and then it says "What do you want to animate?" Now we can animate an entire object or parts of objects if we want, so I'm going to select camera 003, click next, and now here's all of our options here. Now do we want to center the rotation around the model or the environment, what direction do we want to rotate, how far, we're going to rotate this 360 degrees, and how long, so we're going to start at zero and go to five seconds and make this a total of five seconds. So once we do that we can hit Finish, and the animation will be there. Now in order to see this play back, I'm going to change the lighting to Performance Mode to get the most interactivity, and then all you have to do is just hover over this and you can start to slide the time slider in order to adjust the animation. Now if I want, I can click on this animation, so click on this little bar here and this gives me all the controls I need to adjust it, so let's say I didn't want it to be five seconds, but I wanted it to be four, I can do that, and then as you can see this is shrunk down to a four second turn around. And if I want, I can change basically anything else. So as you can see, animation in KeyShot is fairly straightforward it is based on wizards, so it makes animation fairly easy.
