From the course: Learning KeyShot

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Bump and opacity mapping

Bump and opacity mapping - KeyShot Tutorial

From the course: Learning KeyShot

Bump and opacity mapping

- [Instructor] We've already seen how we can apply textures to create color on objects, but we also can use textures for both Bump and Opacity mapping. So, let's take a look at that. I have a very simple scene here with two boxes and if we go over here, we have two materials, one for each box. So we have a green box and a blue box. So let's start off with this green material. Now when you have a material, you can certainly change the type of material. So, for example, if I change this to a paint material, it would change. But we also have a couple of other tabs here. One of these is Textures. Now we can certainly add in a texture for Color, but we also can add ones for Bump and Opacity. So let's take a look at bump mapping. Now I'm going to go over to the Textures panel in my library here and if you notice we have a number of different types of maps. Now I'm going to go ahead and just select Bump Maps, and as you can see we've got a number of different types. Now if you'll notice…
