From the course: Learning KeyShot

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Add texture maps

Add texture maps - KeyShot Tutorial

From the course: Learning KeyShot

Add texture maps

- [Instructor] We now have most of our materials done but we still need to work on the label for the bottle. For that, we actually want to use a texture of an actual label. Let's go ahead and start off just by taking a look at that material. I'm going to go over to my Material tab here and I have a material called Label_Matte and that's the label material. As you can see, this comes in as a Diffuse, so I can double click on this and if I want to, I could change the color of this. I can actually change this to any type of material I want. If I want to make it into, say, Paint, or really anything, I can do that. I'm actually going to leave it at Paint, which gives me the ability to add roughness if I need to. Now, when we have a material, we also have two other tabs here, one is for textures, and one is for labels. They're really very similar. Textures basically apply to the whole object and the label just applies to part of an object. Let's just take a look at textures. We want to load…
