From the course: Learning How to Increase Learner Engagement

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Role playing

Role playing

- One of the reasons college students and others are often disengaged with instruction is that they fail to see the context in which the content they are learning will be used. One way to help combat this disconnect is to have students engage in role play activities. In corporate environments a role play exercise can provide realistic practice of a method or technique, such as a sales role play. In an academic setting, a role play can help learners understand the types of positions and employment opportunities that exist within a certain field. Or a role play can be used to illustrate social issues, such as assuming the role of a politician making a stand for or against a controversial issue. In an academic setting, a role play can be a semester long endeavor, where students assume a certain role for a long period of time and work within that role. For example, I teach a class where students learn how to respond to a request for a proposal as part of a role play in which they assume…
