From the course: Learning Grasshopper

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Saving and baking Grasshopper files

Saving and baking Grasshopper files

From the course: Learning Grasshopper

Saving and baking Grasshopper files

- [Instructor] In this video, we'll cover saving Grasshopper files, and baking Grasshopper geometry into Rhino. To save a definition in Grasshopper, you can just click file and select save document or saved document As. I'll go ahead and click save document As, and we can take a look at our file format options. When you save a Grasshopper definition, you'll choose either a .GH extension for Grasshopper binary, or .GHX for Grasshopper XML. GH is the default format and for most purposes, it's just fine. Since GH files are encoded in binary, the files are much smaller and your computer can generally read them more quickly. But, GH files can only be read by Grasshopper. Now, sometimes this is a good thing because programs like email clients or web browsers might accidentally corrupt or mistranslate the XML in GHX files. Some users though might actually want the ability to access the Grasshopper files in a human readable…
