From the course: Learning Grasshopper

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How to use polygon mesh components in Grasshopper

How to use polygon mesh components in Grasshopper

From the course: Learning Grasshopper

How to use polygon mesh components in Grasshopper

- [Instructor] We talked in a previous video about NURBS surfaces which are defined by a mathematical formula that combines information about things like degree, control points and other data to form extremely accurate representations of virtually any shape. Now, you're probably already aware that there's an additional way of representing 3D geometry in Rhino and that's with polygon meshes. Grasshopper has many different tools for generating and analyzing polygon meshes. And these can be found under the Mesh Component Tab. In this video we'll talk about some of the differences between NURB surfaces and polygon meshes as we look at some of these components. Let's start by looking in Rhino. At this surface near the origin with the NURB surface, it's one single entity in rhino and I can click on it and let's go ahead and type points onto the command line to turn on its control points. So I can see those two points in…
