From the course: Learning Grasshopper

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How to use parameters in Grasshopper

How to use parameters in Grasshopper

From the course: Learning Grasshopper

How to use parameters in Grasshopper

- [Instructor] There's a special class of objects in Grasshopper called parameters that behave a little bit differently than components. In a nutshell, parameters store data whereas components process data. We can find parameters in the params tab and we can see a few of those on our canvas here. I'm working in the exercise file So we've got a point parameter, a color parameter a one dimensional slider, a two dimensional slider and a scribble. So for most of these, I can mouse over the parameter, get a little readout of information along with this icon very similar to what I'd get for a component. And I can see right now both the point and the color are empty because they haven't been assigned any data to store. Remember a parameter's only job is to store data. Notice also that all of these parameters have at most one output grip. Since a parameter only stores data, it never needs more than one output grip…
