From the course: Learning Design Thinking: Lead Change in Your Organization

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- The object of human-centered design is to learn from the people who will use your product or service, and that research generates lots of data, but data is worthless unless you get it to a point that something can be done with it. Synthesis is the act of making sense of all the data you've gathered then translating those insights into a framework that will guide concept generation and design. It's a process that enables us to maximize the value of research and generate meaningful human-centered solutions. However, it is one of the hardest things to do well, and it's an area that can feel like black magic until you've done it a few times. Synthesis begins with raw data: lots of observations in the form of notes and quotes, photos, field observations, and even statistics and other types of data. During the synthesis process, that content is filtered into themes and insights and finally distilled down to a few key opportunities that will inform the design moving forward. There are many…
