From the course: Learning Design Research

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Competitive analysis

Competitive analysis

- A competitive analysis is a tool used to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of an organization's competition. This helps you to determine three basic things. Let's say you're opening a new ice cream shop and you visit some competing stores to take a look at how they work. The first thing you can learn from a competitive analysis is what not to do. The cones at this shop break before the customers are able to finish eating the ice cream. Then you can learn what the existing standard is. Most ice cream shops offer a comfortable place to sit down. Maybe your shop should too. Finally, you learn what the potential is to become better. Your competitor only offers six flavors of ice cream. Maybe your store should offer more. Let's look at another example that will help to explain how this works in a design research process. Let's say you've been hired to design a website for a small furniture company. They have an…
