From the course: Learning Clubhouse

What is Clubhouse?

- [Instructor] Clubhouse is a social audio app that has taken the world by storm with over 30 million downloads and more than 700,000 daily conversations. It is a gathering place for people from all across the world to share stories and knowledge, make friends, have heated debates, and discuss topics that interest them. Timing is everything and Clubhouse got it right. During 2020 quarantine when everyone was stuck at home, whether you were a stay-at-home parent, entrepreneur, corporate executive, or a celebrity, we were all party to the collective trauma of isolation. Clubhouse offered a respite, a safe space for serendipity and a very low barrier of entry. You can join a conversation from anywhere and apart from a phone, no equipment is required. People aren't just making great friends, they're collaborating, creating dynamic personal brands and scaling their businesses. I'm Jamie Cohen, founder of The Right Words. I'm a speaker, communication coach, and advisor. I've trained thousands of people in leadership communication to strengthen relationships, feel confident on camera, negotiate their salaries, and protect their energy while doing it. Clubhouse has introduced me to new friends and clients and grown my following across social media. Clubhouse is filled with opportunity and there is something for just about everyone. Join me on LinkedIn Learning and learn everything you need to know about how to get started on Clubhouse.
