From the course: Learning Cinematography: 1 Narrative Fundamentals

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The basics of storytelling

The basics of storytelling

- I'm going to suggest some questions that you should be able to answer by the time your pre-production process is done. You might say these questions should be asked before this process even begins. However you do it the bottom line is everyone working on the film needs to know exactly what film is being made. If a large group of people are going to collaborate effectively they all have to have the same basic understanding of the task at hand. It's critical to be explicit about this understanding. We're talking about art after all. There's lots of room for creative interpretation. There's also room for confusion and misunderstanding. I once spoke to two different members of one creative team who were deep in the pre-production process. One team member thought that the film that they were making was a drama. The other thought it was a comedy. Of course a film can have a mixture of tones. This as it turns out was a basic misunderstanding brought about by too much concentration on the…
