From the course: Learning Apache Tomcat
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Learning environment - Tomcat Tutorial
From the course: Learning Apache Tomcat
Learning environment
- [Instructor] We'll use two free tools that work together to manage our learning environment. VirtualBox, and Vagrant. VirtualBox is what's known as a hypervisor. It lets you run virtual machines on your host system. So for example, a Mac with VirtualBox could run Windows in a virtual machine. The Mac in this case is called the host, and the windows VM is called the guest. It's possible to run multiple VMs at the same time, if you have enough system resources. So you could say, run a Linux guest system at the same time. The other program is Vagrant, which is a handy command line tool for working with VMs. It works directly with VirtualBox to let you easily set up and work with VMs. For example, you can run the command vagrant status to see the status of your VMs. Or you can run vagrant ssh to ssh to a VM. I won't go into the details of installing these, they're pretty simple. You can go to to download and install VirtualBox. Then go to and download and…
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