From the course: Leading with Stories

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Why storytelling works

Why storytelling works

- There's nothing wrong with the way most leaders talk to their employees, or write their memos, or give their speeches, or even make their presentations. But all those things could be much more effective if they included a few good stories. Here are five of the most compelling reasons why. Number one, storytelling speaks to the part of the brain where decisions are actually made. You know, apparently, human beings don't always make the logical, rational decisions that we like to think we do. More often than not, we make subconscious, emotional, and sometimes even irrational decisions in one place in our brain, and then we justify those decisions logically and rationally a few nanoseconds later in a conscious thinking part of the brain. So, if you're trying to influence what people think and feel and do, in other words, leadership, using facts and rational arguments alone aren't enough. You need to influence the subconscious, emotional processing part of the brain as well. Stories are…
