From the course: Leading with Stories

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When to tell leadership stories

When to tell leadership stories

From the course: Leading with Stories

When to tell leadership stories

- Storytelling is a leadership tool, not a management tool. So when you're trying to make a decision or run more efficient process, storytelling isn't necessarily the best tool to turn to. But if what you're trying to do is lead people, storytelling is an absolutely indispensable skill to have. Now that's the conclusion I came to after interviewing hundreds of CEOs and leaders about their use of storytelling. You know, I asked them what situations they found themselves in when they decided to tell a story, what story they told and if it worked. And now, each leader probably told me somewhere between eight and 12 different stories, so do the math and I've literally documented around 3,000 individual leadership stories. Now that's allowed me to reverse engineer my way into what works and what doesn't, but what it also did was give me some insight into the diversity of leadership challenges where storytelling can help and all the stories seem to fit nicely into 21 different categories…
