From the course: Leading with Stories

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- It's no probably no surprise to you that a surprise is an important element of a great story. We all love the surprise ending in a mystery novel or the unexpected turn of events in our favorite movie. But there's actually a more important reason to include something unexpected in your leadership stories, it actually makes them more effective. A surprise at the beginning of a story gets your audience to pay attention. It shakes people out of thinking about the last email they read or the next meeting they have to go to and gets them to focus squarely on the story that you're telling them. But more than just capturing the audience's attention surprises help your audience remember the lesson at the end of the story. Now here's how that works. It turns out memories don't form instantly in a brain like pictures from a digital camera. It turns out they form over a period of time after the event happens more like pictures from an old-fashioned film camera when they're developed in a dark…
