From the course: Leading with Stories

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- Congratulations, you've reach the end of this course on storytelling for leaders, but if you really want to master the craft of leadership storytelling, and turn it into a habit, you'll have to keep working at it. So, here are a few tips and tools to help get you started. First, start your own story wishlist. It'll help you figure out which stories you need the most. Okay, second, start hunting for and crafting stories on your list. You know, start with the most important, and always be on the lookout for the next story you need. Search your own past, but also ask your co workers. Show them your wishlist. You'll be surprised how many people will be willing to share their stories. Okay third. Use the Storytelling for Leaders Cheat Sheet in the exercise file, It highlights everything we covered in this course. Fourth, see examples of great leadership stories in other LinkedIn courses. Stories every leader tells, and leadership stories weekly. Fifth, create your own leadership story…
