From the course: Leading with Stories

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Choose the right story to tell

Choose the right story to tell

From the course: Leading with Stories

Choose the right story to tell

- The most important part of storytelling is choosing the right story to tell. If you tell the wrong story it doesn't matter how well you tell it you won't accomplish your objective. So how do you come up with the right story to tell? Three simple steps. Step one, define your objective. Always start with the end in mind and since the most important element of a great story is that the story has a worthy lesson you have to start by determining what lesson you want your audience to learn. Now specifically what do you want your audience to think, feel, or do as a result of hearing your story. Now once you can articulate that clearly in your mind you're ready to move on to step two. Think of a relevant success, failure, or moment of clarity around your objective. That thing that you want your audience to think, feel, or do. In other words, think of times in the past when you or someone else has done that thing really, really well a success or really, really badly a failure because we…
