From the course: Leading Projects

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Manage scope change

Manage scope change

- Every project plan is based on assumptions about how things are going to work, but there are bound to be surprises. And the real impact of most surprises is that they require more work, cost more money, or take longer than what you'd expected. In this video, we're going to learn how to manage the surprises that can affect your project's scope. A project is usually successful if it meets the goals outlined in the charter without exceeding the amount of time in the project plan or the money in the budget. Think about the goals of the project, what you need to get done as the scope. Taking that scope together with the schedule and the budget gives you three dimensions that apply to any project. These are called triple constraints. And a common method for managing projects is to focus on changes to the triple constraints and the trade-offs between them. The triple constraints are interconnected. If you make a change to one of the triple constraints, you need to look at how it affects…
