From the course: Leading Projects

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- The DIRECT Project Leadership Framework is a tool to help you be a better project leader. In this video, we'll take one last look at the direct approach and give you some tips for using it in your projects. Remembering the six pillars of the DIRECT Framework makes it easy to give your team the leadership they need throughout the entire life cycle of a project. Your job is to help them define the vision, investigate the options, resolve to a course of action, execute the plan, change over to the new system, and manage the transition. The DIRECT acronym makes it easy to remember the pillars, but it also reinforces the role of the project leader. The project leader is really the director of the project. In a perfect world, project leaders would always have the luxury to learn the DIRECT approach up front and use it consistently through their project. But if you're already working on a project, you can start to apply the principles and the tools from the DIRECT method today. If a…
