From the course: Leading Inclusive Teams

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Demonstrating humility and courage

Demonstrating humility and courage

From the course: Leading Inclusive Teams

Demonstrating humility and courage

- Inclusive leadership requires a balance of humility and courage. Making the choice to put yourself in situations where you aren't the expert can be uncomfortable, and requires taking a risk. Which means you have to have the courage to allow yourself to be vulnerable. But after taking that risk, you'll find it ultimately benefits you, and your organization. Let's start with humility. The literature on leadership routinely cites being humble as a core characteristic of a strong leader. Leading an inclusive team is no exception. When I say humility, I'm referring to an overall attitude, or approach of recognizing you don't have all the answers, or that your way isn't the only way to accomplish a goal. We all have limitations, simply acknowledging you don't know something is a way leaders can demonstrate humility. Accepting that you don't know, or understand something, doesn't have to be the end. Humble leaders…
