From the course: Leadership Stories: 5-Minute Lessons in Leading People

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Use competition for collaboration

Use competition for collaboration

- A friend of mine named Tom was a partner at a big consulting firm. One day, he shows up at one of his client's offices and he heard this. "Sorry Tom, we're gonna have to cancel your retainer, "at least for a little while." Now, to a consultant, those are about the worse words you could ever hear from your client. It's the equivalent of being laid off, except in this case, it didn't just mean Tom was gonna get laid off, it also meant that his entire team of 15 consultants was getting laid off. Well, he knew something must be seriously wrong to warrant that kind of a reaction from a Fortune 100 company and he was right. It was serious. His client was gonna miss its quarterly profit estimates and not just by a little, like enough to raise serious concerns on Wall Street. Well, his client explained all the gory details about why their profits were off so much. And in his 20-year professional career, Tom had never even heard of a company having that particular problem. So, he knew his…
