From the course: Leadership Stories: 5-Minute Lessons in Leading People

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Turn barriers into change agents

Turn barriers into change agents

- Back in 2001, Business Week decided to do a story on one of the struggling brands at Procter and Gamble and what the company should do about it. So they asked to interview a company official. Well the person assigned to the interview was Tarang Amin. Now Tarang was the brand new marketing director of P and G's Bounty paper towel brand and they just finished a really tough year. But Tarang was new to the job and so he was something of a fresh and unbiased pair of eyes to talk about what went wrong and the brands' plans for the future. So he had his interview with the Business Week journalist and a few uneventful weeks went by while the reporter continued working on the article. Well then on March 12, 2001, the article hit the newsstands and Tarang got his first look. Now the title was, "Can Procter and Gamble Clean Up Its Act?" And the first sentence said, "For a glimpse "of the daunting task facing P and G's chief executive, "look no farther than the paper towel aisle." Alright, now…
