From the course: Leadership Stories: 5-Minute Lessons in Leading People

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Never work with strangers again

Never work with strangers again

- Starting a new job is one of those rare opportunities to remake yourself into a better you. Working with people who don't have any preconceived notions about you is a real gift. Everyone's got some part of themselves they think could be better. And that's exactly what Jamie Johnson was thinking in 2008 when he took a new job at a consumer research company in Cincinnati. Now, Jamie's a nice guy, but by his own admission, he was somewhat robotic in the office. He didn't like mixing business with his personal life. It's probably not a surprise that the relationships he did have at work were cordial but superficial. His hallway conversations were shallow, the weather or the football game last night. Well, on his first day at the new company, he vowed to himself that he was gonna change that. Now, he wanted to have more meaningful connections to his coworkers, so with the best of intentions, he started his new job with a friendly attitude and a welcoming personality. How did it work? A…
