From the course: Leadership Stories: 5-Minute Lessons in Leading People

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How to finish the race

How to finish the race

- You may not be old enough to remember the 1968 Summer Olympics, but it is famous for what happened in the marathon. Now that year, the Olympics was held in Mexico City, which of course was a half a world away from the country of Tanzania in East Africa. Now, one of the marathon runners that year from Tanzania was named John Steven Akhwari. Now unfortunately, Akhwari fell during the race, but it wasn't like a gentle tumble down a grassy hole. He fell hard on rough concrete. He ended up cutting his right leg and dislocating his knee. Well, medical personnel arrived pretty quickly and bandaged him up, but the dislocated knee required more treatment than they could give him right there in the street. He needed to go to the hospital, but instead of just lying down on the gurney and letting them put him in the ambulance, Akhwari stood up and started down the road behind the rest of the runners. Now, he couldn't really run properly with all those injuries, but with a combination of jogging…
