From the course: Leadership Stories: 5-Minute Lessons in Leading People

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How to be a top performer

How to be a top performer

- As part of the annual review process, a lot of companies give their managers a performance rating, based on how well they did their job that year. It's sort of like getting a grade in school. For example, the top 20% of performers might get one rating, and the next best 50% might get a two rating, and a bottom 30% might get a three rating. I've often been asked by junior managers, what do I need to have on my work plan next year to get a one rating? And you've probably asked or been asked the same question a few times yourself. It's an impossible question to answer. Mostly because it depends on how well the other people do. It's a forced curve. If everybody has a great year, it'll be much harder to get a one rating than in a typical year. Well, after several years of managing people, I noticed that most of the people who get the one rating did so because they accomplished something they didn't plan on, right? A problem came up or an opportunity presented itself and they just jumped…
