From the course: Leadership Stories: 5-Minute Lessons in Leading People

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Find passion for the customer

Find passion for the customer

- Have you ever heard a leader tell her people, "If you want to do your best work "you really need to love your job." How do you think that worked out? Right, it never works. You can't just tell people to start loving their job; it doesn't work that way. If you want your people to come to work with the kind of passion that helps them do their best work you'll have to find another way, and one way to do that is to take a play out of the playbook of David Behr. He's the former CEO of Dollar General stores. Right, those are the retail stores that sell just about everything for a dollar. Well, one day Mr. Behr visited one of his stores and he went into walk the aisles and check out the merchandise and talk to employees about what's selling and what's not, but this visit was different. He went into the store and walked up to the first shopper that he saw and he offered to help her carry her shopping basket if she'd let him walk with her and ask questions, so she said, "That'd be fine." So,…
