From the course: Leadership Stories: 5-Minute Lessons in Leading People

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Enforcing policies through stories

Enforcing policies through stories

- Right across from Procter & Gamble's world headquarters in Cincinnati, Ohio is a 100 year old eight-story building. Now today it's just a bunch of condominiums but in the '80s and '90s it was a commercial office building. But one of those floors was leased to Procter & Gamble which they used as the company training center. And all P&G new hires including me at one point spent at least a week there learning about the company and how to do their job. Now it was also the subject of the first story I ever heard told at P&G. Now part of the training philosophy at the training center was that the most effective learning takes place when the student is completely immersed in the material and isolated from the distractions of the main office across the street. So they had a cafeteria on the floor that served a free lunch and snacks to all the trainees to keep them in the building and focused on their studies. And since the only people on the floor were the trainees and the trainers, they…
